
China and Chinese Taipei take first golds on offer at Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge

by 김준리기자 posted Jun 12, 2022


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China and Chinese Taipei take first golds on offer at Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge

기사 2022.06.11.(토) 3-1 (사진) China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge  .jpg
China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge

〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

〈ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이〉 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = The second day of action at the inaugural edition of the Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge brought more world class Taekwondo action with athletes from China and Korea dominating the podium. 

Today’s competition in the newly built Taekwondowon complex saw athletes competing across three weight categories: M-58kg, W-67kg and M+80kg. 

In the men’s -58kg, Korea’s Tae‐joon Park beat Thanakrit Yodrak of Thailand 2-1 in the final to claim gold. In the bronze medal match, Young-hwan Kim of Korea put in a dominant display, beating China’s Yupeng Li 2-0 to claim bronze. 

In the women’s -67kg, Zeqi Zhou of China continued her dominance in the competition, overcoming Min‐ju Kwak of Korea 2-0 to clinch gold. Meanwhile, China would also take bronze, after Junhong Liu beat Thailand’s Sasikarn Tongchan 2-0 in the bronze medal match. 

Meanwhile, in the men’s +80kg, Yeon ho Kang and Minseo Kim both advanced through their semi-final contests to set up an all-Korean final. In a very close contest, Yeon ho Kang overcame Minseo Kim 1-0 to take home gold. In the bronze medal match, China’s Yaoxi Wang would go on to win bronze after beating Korea’s Hyeon-min Jun 2-1.

Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge action is set to continue tomorrow on June 12 for the final day of competition in the women’s -49kg and +67kg categories and men’s -80kg category. 

김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI
세계로 도약하는 글로벌 미디어 뉴스― 
▶ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 SINCE 2009. The Republic of Korea News TV 
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〈저작권자 ⓒ 2009-2022 한국뉴스티브이 ROKNTV, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지〉 
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#China #Korea #Muju #Taekwondowon #2022WorldTaekwondoGrandPrixChallenge #ROKNTV한국뉴스티브이 #ROKCNT한국문화뉴스타임스  #ROKDNT한국장애인뉴스타임스 #ROKSNT한국노인뉴스타임스 #RepublicOfKoreaNewsTV #KoreaCultureNewsTimes #KoreaDisabledNewsTimes #KoreaSeniorCitizensNewsTimes  #기자김준리ReporterKimJunRi #뉴스News #기자ReporterWriterPress #언론보도Journalist #미디어Media #기사Article

기사 2022.06.11.(토) 3-2 (사진) China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge  .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = China and Chinese Taipei take first golds on offer at Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

기사 2022.06.11.(토) 3-3 (사진) China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge  .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = China and Chinese Taipei take first golds on offer at Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

기사 2022.06.11.(토) 3-4 (사진) China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge  .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = China and Chinese Taipei take first golds on offer at Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

기사 2022.06.11.(토) 3-5 (사진) China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge  .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = China and Chinese Taipei take first golds on offer at Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

기사 2022.06.11.(토) 3-6 (사진) China and Korea dominate second day of Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge  .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = China and Chinese Taipei take first golds on offer at Muju Taekwondowon 2022 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI
세계로 도약하는 글로벌 미디어 뉴스― 
▶ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 SINCE 2009. The Republic of Korea News TV 
▶ROKCNT 힌국문화뉴스타임스 The Republic of Korea Culture News Times
▶ROKDNT 한국장애인뉴스타임스 The Republic of Korea Disabled News Times
▶ROKSNT 한국노인뉴스타임스 The Republic of Korea Senior Citizens News Times 
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▶기사제보 E-mail : rokntv@daum.net   

〈저작권자 ⓒ 2009-2022 한국뉴스티브이 ROKNTV, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지〉 
Copyright ⓒ 2009-2022 Republic of Korea News Television(ROKNTV), All rights reserved.

#China #Taipei #golds #MujuTaekwondowon #2022WorldTaekwondo #GrandPrixChallenge #ROKNTV한국뉴스티브이 #ROKCNT한국문화뉴스타임스  #ROKDNT한국장애인뉴스타임스 #ROKSNT한국노인뉴스타임스 #RepublicOfKoreaNewsTV #KoreaCultureNewsTimes #KoreaDisabledNewsTimes #KoreaSeniorCitizensNewsTimes  #기자김준리ReporterKimJunRi #뉴스News #기자ReporterWriterPress #언론보도Journalist #미디어Media #기사Article

✔  김준리기자 님의 최근 작성글


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