
World Taekwondo President’s Message on 49th Founding Anniversary

by 김준리기자 posted Jun 01, 2022


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World Taekwondo President’s Message on 49th Founding Anniversary

기사 2022.06.01.(수) 1-1 (로고) 세계태권도연맹. World_Taekwondo_2017.jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = World Taekwondo Logo / 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

〈ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이〉 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = 49TH FOUNDING ANNIVERSARY 

Dear Colleagues, my dear Taekwondo Family,

Today, we celebrate 49years of World Taekwondo. We are able to mark this joyous occasion today becauseof the contributions of those before us, and fromevery single one of you.

I thank you for your lifelong dedication to our beloved Taekwondo. Your passion and just as importantly, your respect for one another and solidarity as a united family of Taekwondoinare what separates us from other organisations andsports. We are One World One Sport Taekwondo.

Indeed, we at World Taekwondo stand proud to be in the Olympic Games, in the Paralympic Games, in numerous multi-sport Games, and crucially, we contribute to humankind through humanitarian and social development programmes.At World Taekwondo, Peace is more Precious than Triumph.

As we reset and restart this year from the global pandemic, I ask you the World Taekwondo family to look ahead to 2023, when we will celebrate our 50th anniversary –our Golden Jubilee. Be it at the World Taekwondo Championships in Azerbaijan, in other promoted and recognised championships, or in national and local events, I ask you tocelebrate our founding with joy, pride, and hope.

As we appreciate where we are and those who helped get us here, let’s look forward to many more founding anniversaries of World Taekwondo together! Onward and beyond!

Sincerely yours,

Chungwon Choue
World Taekwondo

기사 2022.06.01.(수) 1-2 (사진) 조정원 세계태권도연맹 총재.jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

기사 2022.06.01.(수) 1-3 (창립 축사) 세계태권도연맹 참립 49주년  .World Taekwondo President’s Message on 49th Founding AnniversaryJPG.JPG
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = World Taekwondo President’s Message on 49th Founding Anniversary / 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI
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✔  김준리기자 님의 최근 작성글


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