
World Taekwondo hosts two-day webinar for first ever online International Coach Certification Course

by 채정희기자/편집국장 posted Jun 23, 2020


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World Taekwondo hosts two-day webinar for first ever online International Coach Certification Course

기사 2020.06.23.(화) 3-1 (사진) World Taekwondo hosts two-day webinar for first ever online International Coach Certification Course.jpg

〈세계로 도약하는 글로벌 미디어 뉴스 = 한국뉴스티브이 Republic of Korea News Television(ROKNTV)〉 채정희 기자 겸 편집국장 By Journalist & Executive Editor CHAE JEONG-HUI = The two-day training seminar for the first ever online World Taekwondo International Coach Certification Course has concluded, with 69 coaches from 23 different countries taking part to equip themselves with the necessary training and skills to best serve their athletes.

The first day of the seminar was held on June 11 and was opened by World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue who welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of having standardized, high-quality education around the world. The floor was then passed to World Taekwondo Technical Director, Education Philippe Bouedo who introduced the expert instructors delivering the training.

Bouedo provided a brief overview of the World Taekwondo Education programs before World Taekwondo Educator Teemu Heino explained the World Taekwondo Competition Rules & Interpretation. Chairman of the World Taekwondo Referee Committee, Song Chul Kim, then gave a lecture which included an analysis of competition and case studies.

The second day of the education seminar took place on June 12 and comprised a number of different critical topics delivered by highly experienced World Taekwondo specialists. “Safe Guarding” was taught by Chairman of the World Taekwondo Education Committee Jean Marie Ayer, “Anti-Doping” was taught by World Taekwondo Lausanne Office/Anti-Doping Coordinator Marco Ienna, “Medical Code & Emergency Cases” was taught by Head of the Egyptian Olympic Committee Medical Committee Hassan Kamal, and “Games Management & Introduction to World Taekwondo” which was run by Bouedo.

Following the conclusion of the two-day seminar, participants were required to complete a final online written test through the World Taekwondo GMS. A total of 61 out of 69 participants passed the test.

기사 2020.06.23.(화) 3-2 (사진) World Taekwondo hosts two-day webinar for first ever online International Coach Certification Course.jpg

채정희 기자 겸 편집국장
By Journalist & Executive Editor CHAE JEONG-HUI
세계로 도약하는 글로벌 미디어 뉴스
ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 SINCE 2009
Republic of Korea News Television(ROKNTV)
E-mail : rokntv@daum.net

〈저작권자 ⓒ 2009-2020 한국뉴스티브이 ROKNTV, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지〉
Copyright ⓒ 2009-2020 Republic of Korea News Television(ROKNTV), All rights reserved.

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