Commonwealth Taekwondo Union (CTU) elects new Council
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 채정희 편집국장 By Chief Editor CHAE JEONG-HUI = Commonwealth Taekwondo Union (CTU) elects new Council / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉
〈ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이〉 채정희 편집국장 By Chief Editor CHAE JEONG-HUI = On October 1, at the Bears Hotel in Chuncheon, the Commonwealth Taekwondo Union (CTU) held its General Assembly with representatives from Commonwealth nations who are members of World Taekwondo. During this event, the CTU elected its new Council, signaling the official start of its operations.
Elected as the President of the CTU was Kee Ha, President of Taekwondo Canada. Mr. Ha said “This organization was founded with the primary goal of having Taekwondo adopted as an official sport at the Commonwealth Games. Taekwondo is already the official sport in numerous multi-sport events, but it has yet to be included in the Commonwealth Games.
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 채정희 편집국장 By Chief Editor CHAE JEONG-HUI = Commonwealth Taekwondo Union (CTU) elects new Council / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉
Our goal is to have Taekwondo officially recognized as a sport for the Commonwealth Games, which will take place in Canada in 2030, and the CTU Council and I are fully committed to achieving this.”
The Commonwealth Games, held every four years like the Olympic Games, is a multi-sport event featuring 74 Commonwealth nations.
Dr. Chungwon Choue, President of World Taekwondo, expressed his support for the CTU and new leadership, stating, “I welcome the election of CTU Council. We look forward to efforts toward having Taekwondo included as an official sport in the Commonwealth Games.
The CTU also elected five Vice Presidents: Namdev Shirgaonkar (India), Jean Kfoury (Australia), Sulieman Sumba (Kenya), Henderson Turton (Barbados), and Anna Vassallo (Malta). Four elected Council members are Ahmed Wasim (Pakistan), Jin Keun Oh (New Zealand), Frederick Lartey Otu (Ghana), and Said Khelwatty (United Kingdom). According to CTU statutes, President Kee Ha appointed Wayne Mitchell (Canada) as Secretary General.
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 채정희 편집국장 By Chief Editor CHAE JEONG-HUI = Commonwealth Taekwondo Union (CTU) elects new Council / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉
채정희 편집국장
By Chief Editor CHAE JEONG-HUI
세계로 도약하는 글로벌 미디어 뉴스―
ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 SINCE 2009.
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