
THF athlete Yahya Basam Al-Ghoutani awarded IOC Refugee Athlete Scholarship for Paris 2024

by 오영아기자 posted Oct 18, 2022


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THF athlete Yahya Basam Al-Ghoutani awarded IOC Refugee Athlete Scholarship for Paris 2024

기사 2022.10.18.(화) 4-1 (사진)  THF athlete Yahya Basam Al-Ghoutani awarded IOC Refugee Athlete Scholarship for Paris 2024.jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 오영아 기자 By Reporter OH YEONG-A = THF athlete Yahya Basam Al-Ghoutani awarded IOC Refugee Athlete Scholarship for Paris 2024 / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

〈ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이〉 오영아 기자 By Reporter OH YEONG-A = Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation (THF) athlete Yahya Basam Al-Ghoutani has been awarded a Refugee Athlete Scholarship by the IOC to help him train towards the goal of being selected for the IOC Refugee Olympic Team Paris 2024. 

Al-Ghoutani met with IOC President and chair of the Olympic Refuge Foundation, Thomas Bach, alongside fellow Taekwondo refugee athlete Wael Fawaz Al-Farraj during President Bach’s visit to Jordan this week. They met at the JOC’s Olympic Preparation Centre which President Bach was visiting to meet with Jordanian athletes.

Al-Ghoutani becomes the eighth Taekwondo athlete to have been awarded a Refugee Athlete Scholarship for Paris 2024 along with compatriot Al-Farraj. Al-Ghoutani is a Syrian refugee living in the Azraq Refugee Camp in Jordan and has been training in Taekwondo through the THF since he was 15. He became the THF’s second black belt back in 2018. 

THF Chair Chungwon Choue said : 

“We are delighted that Yahya has been awarded this IOC Scholarship. We are thankful to the Olympic Refuge Foundation and Olympic Solidarity for the support they are providing Yahya and our other Taekwondo refugee athletes as they pursue their Olympic dreams. We hope they can all qualify for Paris 2024 and may be able to make history as the first refugee athletes to win an Olympic medal.”

기사 2022.10.18.(화) 4-2 (사진)  THF athlete Yahya Basam Al-Ghoutani awarded IOC Refugee Athlete Scholarship for Paris 2024.jpg
 〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 오영아 기자 By Reporter OH YEONG-A = THF athlete Yahya Basam Al-Ghoutani awarded IOC Refugee Athlete Scholarship for Paris 2024 / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

오영아 기자 By Reporter OH YEONG-A
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