
Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships

by 김준리기자 posted Aug 05, 2022


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Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships

기사 2022.08.05.(금) 2-1 (사진) Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships   .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

〈ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이〉 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = The third day of the Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Championships saw Korea win all three golds on offer in a dominant day for the Asian nation. 

Korea won golds in the M-55kg, M-59kg and the W-52kg, with United States of America, Thailand and Uzbekistan winning silvers respectively. 

The M-55kg was the first of the day’s finals as Euijun Hong of Korea faced the USA’s William Cunningham. Hong was too strong for Cunningham and won the match 2-0. 

Following in Hong’s footsteps, Yeowon Seo overcame Uzbekistan’s Marjona Khudaykulova 2-0 in the W-52kg. 

The hattrick of gold medals for Korea was completed by Woo-hyeok Jung as he beat Thailand’s Banlung Tubtimdang 2-0 in the M-59kg. Palestine’s Omar Yaser Ismail’s bronze in the M-59kg was his country’s first medal in World Taekwondo Senior and Junior Competitions.  

기사 2022.08.05.(금) 2-2 (사진) Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships   .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

기사 2022.08.05.(금) 2-3 (사진) Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships   .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

기사 2022.08.05.(금) 2-4 (사진) Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships   .jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = Clean sweep for Korea on day 3 of Sofia 2022 World Taekwondo Junior Championships / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI
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