〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김정평 수석기자 By Chief Writer KIM JEONG-PYEONG = 51st FOUNDING ANNIVERSARY OF WORLD TAEKWONDO / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉
〈ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이〉 김정평 수석기자 By Chief Journalist KIM JEONG-PYEONG = May 28, 2024. World Taekwondo Council and Committees. World Taekwondo Continental Unions and Member National Associations
Dear Colleagues,
Dear beloved Taekwondo Family,
Today, we commemorate the Founding Anniversary of World Taekwondo, a year after our Golden Jubilee.
As I shared in my 2024 New Year’s Message, 2023 was a momentous year of historic achievements with the installation of a Taekwondo statue in the Olympic Museum in Lausanne ; the Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation being awarded the Olympic Cup ; the exciting debut of Virtual Taekwondo at the Olympic Esports Games; the launch of the inaugural Sustainability Awards ; and many more outstanding achievements.
From 50 we go to 30, as this year we celebrate 30 years of recognition as an Olympic Sport. The historic decision of the 103rdIOC Session in Paris on September 4, 1994 was the catalyst to propel Taekwondo into a global icon. On August 6th, World Taekwondo will organise a reception to commemorate this joyous return to Paris.
Against this backdrop, we return to Paris and the iconic Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées for the Olympic Games on August 7-10 and the Paralympic Games on August 29-31. I wish to congratulate all 133 athletes from 59 National Olympic Committees, as well as the Individual Neutral Athletes and five refugee hopefuls. I also wish to congratulate the 26 Olympic Games referees and 30 Paralympic Games referees on their selection. You are the beacons of fair play and integrity.
The universality and popularity of Taekwondo is on full display with the participation of new NOCs across all five continental unions. Congratulations to The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau representing Africa ; Palestine, Timor Leste and Hong Kong, China representing Asia ; Czech Republic and Bulgaria representing Europe ; Fiji representing Oceania ; and Uruguay representing Pan America.
Since Taekwondo’s debut at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games up to Paris 2024, a total of 119 NOCs and seven refugee athletes have participated. While we await eagerly for the winners in Paris, I wish to extend my congratulations to the 42 NOCs that have achieved the 176 medals to date – many of them bringing Olympic glory to their respective nations for the first time in any sport.
Likewise, congratulations to the 108 athletes from 44 National Paralympic Committees, Individual Neutral Athletes, and refugee athletes that have qualified for Paris 2024. With 12 more Bipartite Commission quotas to be awarded, this will be the largest Paralympic Games to date for Taekwondo in just our second Games.
This is the value that Taekwondo brings – ours is a sport that provides hope and dreams.
The same values were showcased in Jordan this past May, as World Taekwondo and the Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation organised the 2024 Hope and Dreams Sports Festival with the participation of the World Baseball Softball Confederation, Badminton World Federation, and the International Basketball Federation.
The best thing that we can do for refugees and displaced persons, especially the children and youth who grew up in the camps, is to remind them that there is hope and dreams through sport. Through sport, I hope that they can aspire to Olympism and Peace. In this regard, I look forward to more sports joining this meaningful initiative in 2025.
Looking ahead after Paris, we look forward to Chuncheon for the General Assembly on September 30thand the World Taekwondo Junior Championships on October 1-6; the inaugural World Taekwondo Virtual Championships in Singapore on November 16-17; the World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships in Hong Kong from November 30thto December 4th; and the World Taekwondo Grand Prix Final in Taiyuan in mid-December.
There is much to celebrate and I credit you, the global Taekwondo Family, for your daily devotion to the propagation and continued development of Taekwondo. I wish each and every one of you the very best in health and in your endeavours.
Sincerely yours,
Chungwon Choue
김정평 수석기자
By Chief Journalist KIM JEONG-PYEONG
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