
MoU signed for vitalisation of operations of World Taekwondo Central Training Centre

by 김준리_기자 posted Jul 17, 2023


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MoU signed for vitalisation of operations of World Taekwondo Central Training Centre

기사 2023.07.15.(토) 1-1 (사진 1) MoU signed for vitalisation of operations of World Taekwondo Central Training Centre.jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = MoU signed for vitalisation of operations of World Taekwondo Central Training Centre / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

〈ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이〉 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was today signed by World Taekwondo, the Korea Taekwondo Association, the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation, the Jeollabuk-do Province and the County of Muju to strengthen operations for the World Taekwondo Central Training Centre.

The signing ceremony was held in Muju Taekwondowon on the occasion of the Muju Taekwondowon 2023 World Taekwondo Grand Prix Challenge. The signing members were: President of World Taekwondo Chungwon Choue, Governor of Jeollabuk-do Province Kwan-young Kim, Jeongsu Hwang from the County of Muju, President of the Korea Taekwondo Association Jinbang Yang and Acting Chairman Taekwondo Promotion Foundation Jong gab Lee.

Under the MoU, each of the five parties commits to undertaking specific tasks in order to vitalise the operation of the Central Training Centre, namely:

World Taekwondo will plan and prepare the World Taekwondo Central Training Centre Programme, recruit participants and support the vitalisation of operations through / and in connection with other World Taekwondo Regional Training Centres.

Korea Taekwondo Association will support national athletes and coaches to interact with international athletes, through the participation of joint training Central Training Centre programmes.
Taekwondo Promotion Foundation will run the operations of the World Taekwondo Central Training Centre programmes and support/provide programmes and Taekwondowon Facilities for use.
The province of Jeollabuk-do will provide required administrative and financial support for the operation of the World Taekwondo Central Training Centre and the development and operation of regional tourism products.
Each institution will make mutual efforts to vitalize the operation of the World Taekwondo Central Training Centre
The MoU will be in effect from today until the designation of the World Taekwondo Central Training Centre in Taekwondowon.

Today’s MoU is the latest step forward after a signboard-hanging ceremony was first held in May 2016 dedicating the World Taekwondo Central Training Centre at Taekwondowon.

The Central Training Centre will act as a control tower overseeing activities in the other 12 Regional Training Centres which are currently operating in 10 different countries:

▲ China (Beijing, Shenzhen, Wuxi)
▲ Uzbekistan (Tashkent)
▲ Germany (Friedrichshafen)
▲ Great Britain (Manchester)
▲ Nepal (Lalitpur)
▲ Croatia (Rijeka)
▲ Italy (Rome)
▲ Iran (Tehran)
▲ Azerbaijan (Baku)
▲ Saudi Arabia (Riyadh)

기사 2023.07.15.(토) 1-2 (사진 2) MoU signed for vitalisation of operations of World Taekwondo Central Training Centre.jpg
〈Copyright ⓒ ROKNTV 한국뉴스티브이 김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI = MoU signed for vitalisation of operations of World Taekwondo Central Training Centre / Photo provided by WT. 재판매 및 DB 금지〉

김준리 기자 By Reporter KIM JUN-RI
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